Your Third Eye Is Opening

Your Third Eye Is Opening

Your Third Eye Is OpeningYour Third Eye Is Opening

Your Weekly Tarot Horoscope Wants You to Open Your Third Eye & Look Within

Whenever you’re confused about a situation and you’re looking for answers, it’s always a good idea to ask the Tarot for guidance. Whether you steadfastly believe these cards can tell you your future or you simply love the ritual of it all, your Tarot horoscope for the week of July June 24 to 30 will give you the guidance you’ve been needing.

A deck of Tarot consists of 78 cards, each one full of endless possibilities. Between the Tarot’s thought-provoking imagery and the symbolism associated with the Major and Minor Arcana, these cards always have a way of shining a light on something that needed to be brought to your awareness. And believe it or not, Tarot is used by people who come from all walks of life and follow all sorts of different belief systems. Whether you see the Tarot as an opportunity to connect with your spirit guides or as a lighthearted tool for stimulating your intuition and making decisions, this form of divination is always at your disposal. And since you don’t always have the time to pull out your deck and give yourself a full reading, your weekly Tarotscope can be a quick source of insight whenever you need it! And remember, the future is never set in stone, so think of a Tarot card reading as a chance to understand something from a different angle and ponder a unique possibility you hadn’t considered before.

The High Priestess Tarot CardThe High Priestess Tarot Card

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCasterDesign: Sasha Purdy/StyleCaster

The High Priestess

While every zodiac sign is receiving its own Tarot card pull, we’ve also pulled a card that will describe the overall energy that is impacting the collective. And for this week, that card is a sign that your third eye is opening, because it happens to be The High Priestess.

Your intuition is about to run wild, because The High Priestess is symbolic of your inner knowing. This week, you definitely shouldn’t ignore any gut feelings that arise, because you’re forging a stronger connection with your inner voice and receiving insights from deep within your psyche. Does anything currently feel “off” in your life? Are you feeling uncertain about a decision you’re making? Don’t overthink the ifs, ands, or buts, because the answers you seek are already within you.

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Your weekly Tarot horoscope for each zodiac sign

If you’re searching for answers regarding your past, present and future, your weekly Tarot horoscope has got you covered. Here’s what the universe wants you to know about your current situation, according to your zodiac sign:

Aries: Page of Pentacles

Aries: Page of PentaclesAries: Page of Pentacles

Aries: Page of Pentacles

The Page of Pentacles symbolizes the thrill of starting something new and embracing all the work involved. If you’ve been contemplating learning about a new subject or trying your hat at a new hobby, now is the time to go for it! Don’t be afraid of looking like a “show-off” when you deserve to be seen. Remain focused and continue working hard, and you’ll be able to turn your dreams into reality. At this moment, you have the ability to manifest your desires with more panache than ever before. Read your full monthly Tarot horoscope here.

Taurus: The Devil

Taurus: The DevilTaurus: The Devil

Taurus: The Devil

This week, it might feel like there’s an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. While this card is not something to run and hide from, it does represent your hidden self and the parts of your personality that you keep concealed. Even though you might feel reliant on certain vices, habits, or illusions, it’s time to be more honest with yourself about what is hurting you more than helping you. Remember—admitting that something is no longer serving you is the first step towards liberating yourself from a harmful pattern. Read your full monthly Tarot horoscope here.

Gemini: The World

Gemini: The WorldGemini: The World

Gemini: The World

This week is all about finding balance between every aspect of your life. Right now, where do you stand emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually? Are you overextending yourself in some ways and neglecting the others? Are you struggling to manage too much of one thing and not enough of something else? If so, you’re being guided to not only find ways to restore balance, but also to sustain it. The World encompasses your life as a whole, which is greater than the sum of its parts. How do you want everything to look when it all comes together? Read your full monthly Tarot horoscope here.

Cancer: 8 of Pentacles

Cancer: 8 of PentaclesCancer: 8 of Pentacles

Cancer: 8 of Pentacles

This week, you have every reason to utilize your creative skills and dedicate yourself to improving them. The harder you work on your craft, the more attention you will attract from others, and the more inspired you will feel. By showcasing your talents, you allow others to appreciate your unique abilities, providing the motivation to keep producing work you are proud of. Step out of your comfort zone and master your craft. Don’t hide your progress just because it isn’t “perfect”. Read your full monthly Tarot horoscope here.

Leo: The Sun

Leo: The SunLeo: The Sun

Leo: The Sun

This week, you’re radiating the warmth and glory of the Sun! The Sun card signifies abundance, optimism, success, and the warmth of a joyful period in your life. It also happens to be the card your zodiac sign rules over, which is a sign that you currently have immense power at your disposal. If you’ve been going through a harrowing and difficult experience, you’re finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. After all, it’s always darkest right before dawn. Read your full monthly Tarot horoscope here.

Virgo: Ace of Wands

Virgo: Ace of WandsVirgo: Ace of Wands

Virgo: Ace of Wands

If you’ve been feeling bored and listless lately, this week is about to change that. The Ace of Wands represents a new beginning and all the opportunities it brings. It is the spark that has the power to light a fire of love, passion, and creativity. It’s a message from the Universe that you’re on the verge of a new adventure. You might finally begin a project you’re passionate about but haven’t yet pursued. Seize this powerful moment and muster the courage to take that initial step. Read your full monthly Tarot horoscope here.

Libra: 8 of Cups

Libra: 8 of CupsLibra: 8 of Cups

Libra: 8 of Cups

The 8 of Cups wants you to find distance from a situation that has run its course. But because you’ve already invested so much time and energy, finding the strength to move on won’t be easy. You may even feel afraid that all your work will inevitably go to waste. Instead of forcing yourself to remain in a dead-end deal and continuing to find reasons to stay, why waste more time? Leaving might hurt for a while, but holding yourself back from growth will cause even more long-term damage. Read your full monthly Tarot horoscope here. Read your full monthly Tarot horoscope here.

Scorpio: 10 of Cups

Scorpio: 10 of CupsScorpio: 10 of Cups

Scorpio: 10 of Cups

This week, your personal life is flourishing in a way that will bring you to a new level of happiness and contentment. The 10 of Cups is an extremely lucky card and a sign of positive developments in your near future, especially when it comes to your relationships. Take this as a sign that quality time with your family will heal you in more ways than one, or that taking a chance on love will open your heart even further. Take a moment to appreciate the blessings around you. Savor every last drop, because joy doesn’t always arrive so easily. Read your full monthly Tarot horoscope here.

Sagittarius: The Lovers

Sagittarius: The LoversSagittarius: The Lovers

Sagittarius: The Lovers

This week, you might be forced to make an important decision. The Lovers card suggests a moral dilemma, stressing the importance of rethinking your values and belief systems before making your move. Are you feeling pressured to go against your true nature? Do you feel as though someone else’s needs are more important than your own in this scenario? Although it’s impossible to make everyone happy in this situation, the only way to feel right about your decision is to trust your heart. Do not let your instincts be swayed otherwise. Read your full monthly Tarot horoscope here.

Capricorn: Knight of Cups

Capricorn: Knight of CupsCapricorn: Knight of Cups

Capricorn: Knight of Cups

This week, you might receive an unexpected invitation or proposal that excites you just as much as it terrifies you. After all, the Knight of Cups symbolizes ambition, vision, and progress toward your highest goals. It’s normal to be afraid of failure, but it’s a problem if that fear overwhelms your desire to at least give it a try. However, that doesn’t mean you should wear rose-colored glasses when assessing the situation either. While you may not be an overnight success, you’ll learn something valuable from the experience. Read your full monthly Tarot horoscope here.

Aquarius: Knight of Pentacles

Aquarius: Knight of PentaclesAquarius: Knight of Pentacles

Aquarius: Knight of Pentacles

Have you been indulging in fantasies and pipe dreams too much lately? The Knight of Pentacles is a sign that you should start to look at your goals through a more practical and realistic lens. If all you do is think about how great it would be to achieve something but you don’t actually do anything to achieve it, how do you expect your success to happen? It’s time to create a plan, set up a strategy, and become more disciplined in your craft. You’re ready to turn your dreams into reality! Read your full monthly Tarot horoscope here.

Pisces: Strength

Pisces: StrengthPisces: Strength

Pisces: Strength

This is your time to shine! The Strength card is a reminder that you possess all the necessary tools to tackle the challenges in your life. It represents courage, compassion, and resilience. You are worthy of all that you seek, so stop acting like you don’t deserve to be successful. This week will push you to the limit and make you confront your deepest fears, but this is a crucial step in your hero’s journey. Take a moment to reflect on the aspects of yourself that you’ve suppressed in order to fit in. Remember—the lion never cares about the opinions of sheep. Read your full monthly Tarot horoscope here.

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