The Sky Today, December 25, 20,22

At 3:34 PM, the moon is trine Mars

The cosmic weather is calm today, until the Aquarius Moon trines Mars at Gemini. It engenders confidence. We are motivated to promote collaboration and surround ourselves by people who share our vision. Mars is still retrograde. This means that we need to slow down and not push too hard. While our efforts are worth it, the timing of our successes will be critical. We can make up the difference in creatively for what we lack energy. Brainstorming is one of the most productive uses of our time. So get started spitballing. You can come up with concepts that you don’t have to marry. You can adapt your plans according to what the situation requires. Sensible strategizing allows us to decide when to lead and when we need to let go.

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At 6:14 pm, the moon is sextile Chiron

The moon in the evening sextiles Chiron, Aries. This offers healing. Our emotions tend to lean more towards the rational when the moon transits Aquarius. We don’t jump to conclusions. We don’t jump to conclusions when confronted with a trigger situation.  Instead, we should examine our own anxieties and seek to understand their causes. It is possible to look at our problems objectively and make a decision about whether or not we want to resolve them. Our choices set an example for others. Our community sees the ripple effect of our approach, encouraging their friends and families to face and let go of their pain in healthy ways. 

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