CT Automotive Group (LON.CTA) investors have not been financially successful in the past year.

A rising market can be benefited by buying an index fund. This is the simplest way to do so. While you may make more profits by buying individual stocks, there is also the possibility of losing money. Unfortunately, CT Automotive Group plc (LON:CTA) share price slid 41% over twelve months. This contrasts with the 5.7% market decline. CT Automotive Group is not yet listed and the market is still learning more about the company’s performance. Recently, the declines have intensified with CT Automotive Group’s share price falling by 24% in three months.

We are seeing a decline in shareholder returns over the longer-term. Let’s examine the underlying foundations to see if they’ve been consistent.

View our latest analysis for CT Automotive Group

CT Automotive Group lost money in the last 12 months. We think that the market is now more focused on revenue growth and revenue. Good revenue growth is expected when a company does not make profits. While some companies will delay profitability in order to increase revenue faster, one can expect top-line growth.

CT Automotive Group’s last year revenue was flat. It actually fell 4.8%. Investors don’t want to see this. The share price has dropped 41% over that period, according to shareholders. What do you expect from a declining revenue stream that doesn’t turn a profit? Most holders believe that revenue growth will increase or costs will fall.

Below is a visual representation of the company’s earnings and revenue over time. Click to see exact numbers.



This article will provide a deeper look at CT Automotive Group’s financial situation. Free report on its balance sheet.

A Different Perspective

We doubt that CT Automotive Group shareholders would be content with a loss of 41% in twelve months. This is less than the 5.7% market loss. It’s disappointing but not surprising. The market-wide selling would have been detrimental. The market seems to doubt that the company has overcome all its problems, as the stock fell 24% over the past three months. If the company itself is clearly improving, investors should be cautious about investing in poor-performing stocks. It is worth taking into consideration the impact market conditions may have on share prices, but there are more important factors. Take risks, CT Automotive Group says. 3 warning signs (and 1 which makes us a bit uncomfortable) These are the things we believe you should know.

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Please note: The market returns quoted in the article represent the market weighted returns of stocks trading on GB Exchanges.

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This article is by Simply Wall St. It is general in nature. Our commentary is based on historical data, analyst forecasts and other unbiased information. We do not intend to provide financial advice. It is not a recommendation not to buy or sell any stocks and does not consider your financial goals. We strive to deliver long-term focused analysis that is based on fundamental data. Please note that our analysis might not include the latest announcements from price-sensitive companies or qualitative material. Simply Wall St holds no position in any of the stocks mentioned.

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