The #1 Best Way To Manage Metabolism Changes Over 50

It’s a common experience many people have when they reach middle age: they start gaining weight. For those who are making a conscious effort to live a healthy lifestyle, this can be frustrating.

When it comes to age-related weight gain, a slowing metabolism is often the first that’s blamed. While metabolism does slow as we get older, registered dietitian Catherine Perez, RD, says that the change is not as drastic as some may think. While many believe that once they hit 50 or 60, metabolism takes a nosedive, she says this isn’t exactly true. “We do see that metabolism does decrease over time, but much slower than most people are led to believe,” she says.

And more good news: you can make up for the change by tweaking your diet and lifestyle habits.

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How Metabolism Changes as We Age

First, a refresher on what exactly metabolism is and the role it plays in the body. Metabolism is a chemical process the body undergoes to convert the foods we eat into energy. People with a high or fast metabolism burn more calories at rest and during activity than people with a low or slow metabolism. People with a fast metabolism can eat more without gaining weight than people with a slow metabolism.

Alissa Rumsey, MS, RD, author of Unapologetic Eating and founder of Alissa Rumsey Nutrition and Wellness, says that it’s completely natural for metabolism to slow a bit in middle age. She says that it’s not a cause for concern—and neither is the weight gain that’s associated with it. “Studies have found that the lowest mortality is actually present in older people who have BMIs in the ‘overweight’ category, and there is no increase in mortality for older people who fall into the ‘obese’ BMI range,” she says.

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The reasons why metabolism slows slightly in middle age are due to a few different reasons. Registered dietitian Dana White, RD, says that some of it is due to a change in hormones, particularly for women. The loss of estrogen can slow metabolism. Perez says that changes in how we eat and live as we get older can impact it too. For example, if you are less active than you were when you were younger, this can be contributing to slowing your metabolism.

How To Manage Metabolism Changes as You Age

Now that you know what metabolism is and how it can change as we get older comes the next question: what can you do about it? White says that when it comes to diet, what’s most important is prioritizing protein. “Aiming for adequate protein is always a great starting point as it will help to preserve muscle mass and support bone health,” Perez agrees.

Why is eating more protein the best way to manage a changing metabolism? Scientific studies have shown that eating a high-protein diet can help boost metabolism and increase the number of calories burned. The reason for this is that protein has a higher thermic effect than fat or carbs. (The thermic effect of food is the amount of energy it takes for the body to digest, absorb and metabolize the food we eat.)

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When it comes to adding more protein to your diet, Perez says to focus on lean proteins and plant-based proteins such as legumes, beans, tofu, nuts and seeds. She recommends prioritizing plant-based proteins because they bring a lot of other hugely important nutrients to the table too, such as fiber.

One mistake many people make as they get older in an effort to manage their metabolism is not eating enough. “Aim to eat enough based on your own calorie and nutrient needs,” Perez says. She explains that eating too little can often have undesirable effects like muscle mass loss, increased hunger and inability to meet basic nutrient needs. “If you are concerned about eating too much, focus on increasing protein and fiber to help with staying more satisfied between meals,” she says.

Besides diet, White and Perez say it’s also important to stay active and also be sure to get enough sleep as these factors impact metabolism as well.

It bears repeating that it’s completely natural for metabolism to slow down a bit as we age. Support your body by upping your protein, not depriving yourself of meals, staying active, and getting enough sleep. That way, you can support your health as you age in a positive way.

Next up, check out these 16 ways to lose weight quickly and safely.


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