Splendid Medien AG (ETR:SPM), Recent Stock Performance Looks Decent. Can Strong Fundamentals Explain?

Splendid Medien’s ETR:SPM stock has increased 8.2% in three months. Because of its remarkable performance, we decided that we would study the key financial indicators of the company. These are often what determine market outcomes. We decided to focus on the following: Splendid Medien’s ROE is in this article.

Return on Equity or ROE is a test of how effectively a company is growing its value and managing investors’ money. Simply put, it measures the profitability a company relative to shareholder’s equity.

Check out our latest analysis for Splendid Medien

How can you calculate the return on equity

The Formula for Return on Equity is:

Return on Equity = Net Profit (from continuing operations) ÷ Shareholders’ Equity

The ROE for Splendid Media is based on the formula above.

32% = €2.4m ÷ €7.4m (Based on the trailing twelve months to June 2022).

The company’s annual profit is called the “return”. So, this means that for every €1 of its shareholder’s investments, the company generates a profit of €0.32.

What’s the relationship between ROE and earnings growth?

We’ve seen that ROE is an indicator of a company’s profitability. We can then assess a company’s future potential to generate profits by determining how much of its profits it chooses to “retain” or reinvest. Generally speaking, other things being equal, firms with a high return on equity and profit retention, have a higher growth rate than firms that don’t share these attributes.

Splendid Medien’s earnings growth and 32% ROE

Splendid Medien boasts a high ROE. Second, the ROE of Splendid Medien is impressive even when compared with the industry average 23%. Splendid Medien’s remarkable 5 year net growth of 36% is to be expected in these circumstances.

We then compared Splendid Medien’s net revenue growth with that of the industry. We are pleased to report that Splendid Medien’s growth rate is greater than the industry, which experienced a 14% increase over the same period.



To a large extent, the earnings growth of a company is what determines whether it can be valued. Next, investors must determine if the expected earnings increase, or lack thereof, has been built into the share prices. Investors will be able to determine if the stock is headed in clear waters or if it is headed for trouble. A good indicator of earnings growth is the PE ratio. This is a measure of the market’s willingness and ability to pay for a stock that is dependent on its earnings prospects. You might want to check if Splendid Medien is trading on a high P/E or a low P/EIt is relative to its industry.

Does Splendid Medien Reinvest Its Profits Efficiently?

Splendid Media doesn’t pay a dividend at the moment. This basically means that Splendid Media has been reinvesting all its profits in the business. This is a major contributor to the above-mentioned high earnings growth.


We are generally satisfied with Splendid Medien’s overall performance. We like the fact that Splendid Medien is investing heavily in its business and at a high rate return. This has resulted in impressive earnings growth. The company’s earnings growth is predicted to slow, according to the current analyst estimates. This article provides more information about the company’s future earnings growth projections. Free report on analyst forecasts for the company to find out more.

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This article is by Simply Wall St. It is general in nature. Our commentary is based on historical data, analyst forecasts and other unbiased information. We do not intend to provide financial advice. This analysis does not represent a recommendation to purchase or sell any stock and it does not consider your financial goals or financial situation. Our goal is to provide you with long-term, focused analysis based on fundamental data. Please note that our analysis might not include the latest announcements from price-sensitive companies or qualitative material. Simply Wall St does not hold any position in the stocks mentioned.

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