The majority of people with Alzheimer’s feel this first, including difficulty planning

A 2022 Study shows 1 in 10 Americans More than 65 million Americans have dementia. 22% suffer from mild cognitive impairment, which is one of early signs of senility. An estimated 6.5 million Americans aged 65 and over have dementia. Alzheimer’s, the most common form of dementia—a figure that is expected to more than double. “Around 13 million Americans will be affected by Alzheimer’s disease by 2050 if there isn’t a cure or treatment. says neurologist James Leverenz, MD. “A lot our research is focused upon identifying people with Alzheimer’s. However, we also know that the brain changes associated with Alzheimer’s often occur years before symptoms appear. We are beginning to believe that we can identify those who are most at risk of developing Alzheimer’s-related changes and memory loss. 

There is no cure for dementia. However, lifestyle changes can make a big difference. Dr. Leverenz says, “Whatever’s good for your heart is going to be good fo your brain.” Exercise and a healthy diet are key. It’s becoming more clear that those who remain active socially and in other activities will have a better chance of surviving the disease. You may even be able to prevent the onset. You can still be active, go out, and have fun if you want. People often lose interest in activities when they have Alzheimer’s. This is a very common symptom. If you have a loved one, spouse or relative who is withdrawing from the world, and they’re also suffering from depression, it might be a good idea for them to start participating in activities. 

Early diagnosis is critical for the best treatment and support. “The earlier Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias is diagnosed, the sooner family members and loved ones can access information, care, support, and assistance.” says the CDC. “The overwhelming data show that not all Americans are being diagnosed or told about their diagnosis early. Experts have identified the early signs of Alzheimer’s disease. Read on—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You’ve Already Had COVID.


Mild Cognitive Impairment

Sacred mature woman.

Mature, sacramental woman.

Mild cognitive impairment can make it possible to live independently, but they may have memory problems and confusion that cause them to lose their way. “The process they must go through in order to achieve this is exhausting.” says Laura Bakera professor of gerontology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. “‘Let us check our calendar. Oh, I forgot what to write on this planner. Let’s look at another calendar. Oh no! I cannot find the calendar. I’ve lost my phone. I can’t find the key. I don’t know where the key is. While they are able to recover and complete tasks in the beginning, the cost is enormous.”

Research has shown that between 10-20% and 20% of those over 65 who have mild cognitive decline will develop dementia or Alzheimer’s. It is important to get MCI diagnosed early, because sometimes MCI can be reversed. “For instance, a thyroid problem could cause an inability to function properly. We can treat them and they’ll get better. says Carolyn Fredericks, MD, A Yale Medicine neurologist who is skilled in cognitive and behavioral conditions including dementia. “Or someone might suffer from severe sleep apnea. This is a shocking condition in terms of the cognitive impairment it can cause.”


Memory Loss

Man looking for a missing item under sofa.

Man searching for missing piece under the sofa.

Memory loss that becomes more severe is the most common sign of Alzheimer’s disease. “The earliest signs of Alzheimer’s include memory loss that is short-term, such forgetting appointments or talking to people. says Laura Goldstein, MD, a neurologist at Northwestern Medicine. “Regular exercise, healthy eating habits, and staying cognitively and socially active can help prevent age-related cognitive decline. Control of vascular risk factors — for example, obesity, hypertension and diabetes — can also help. Recognizing and treating depression can be very beneficial.

Research has shown that people who lead a healthy lifestyle are less likely to be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. says Marla Bruns, MD, PhDThe Unity Memory Center at Rochester Regional Health is home to Dr. Judith, a neurologist. A healthy lifestyle involves regular exercise, eating a balanced, nutritious diet, limiting alcohol intake, and quitting smoking.


Personality changes

Woman comforting anxious husband

Comforting husband anxious by woman

Alzheimer’s disease could cause personality changes that are not explained. “Many people with Alzheimer’s disease experience personality changes that are exaggerated.” says neurologist Ronald Petersen, MD. “If they’re kind, caring people who have lived a happy life, this will carry over into their disease. Sometimes, people can do a 180. It could happen that a grandmother who was a pleasant, quiet person throughout her entire life gets the disease, and then she starts to talk like a sailor later in life, using words that she has never used all her life. The disease process can affect the frontal brain lobes. These lobes control our personality, behavior, inhibition and disinhibition. When that part of your brain is affected, then all those behaviors and features start to change.

“Recognizing significant changes in your own behavior, or the behavior of a loved-one should prompt a conversation with your primary care provider.” says Dr. Bruns. “Again, having access to assistance as early as possible can make a significant difference – both for the person living with Alzheimer’s and their friends and loved ones.”


Difficulty with Everyday Tasks

Senior Hispanic Man Suffering With Dementia Trying To Dress

Senior Hispanic Man with Dementia Dressing

Alzheimer’s can cause difficulty in performing tasks that used to be simple and/or easy. The parietal-lobe is another part of the brain that is often affected by Alzheimer’s disease. It is located in the back of our brain. says Tianxu Xia, MD. It is essential for processing visual-spatial information and language. Aside from memory difficulties, patients with Alzheimer’s may also experience difficulty in planning, navigation, word-finding, and managing their finances.



Senior woman in consultation with her female doctor or therapist

Senior woman consults with her female doctor/therapist

Another symptom of Alzheimer’s is mood swings and depression. “Our research has shown that even small amounts of brain amyloid can have a significant impact on the relationship between depression symptoms, cognitive abilities, and cognitive abilities,” says Jennifer GatchelHMS assistant professor in psychiatry at Mass General. This raises the possibility of depression symptoms being targets in clinical trials to delay the progression Alzheimer’s disease. More research is required in this area.

Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by a progressive loss in working- and long-term memories, confusion and disorientation as well as changes in fluency in speech or writing. In addition to deteriorating judgment and reasoning, it can lead to questionable decisions and mood swings such that apathy, anxiety, depression, and social withdrawal. says Dr. Verna PorterDirector, Pacific Brain Health Center’s Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Neurocognitive Disorders program. If depression is not treated, it can lead to confusion and forgetfulness.

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