49% of EQS Group AG’s shares are owned by institutional investors (ETR:EQS).

A look at the shareholders (EQS Group AG)ETR:EQSThis can give us an indication of which group is most powerful. It is clear that 49% of the company’s ownership belongs to institutions. The group is exposed to the highest upside potential (or downside risks).

Because of their vast research and money resources, institutional ownership tends not to be as popular with individual investors. It is therefore generally considered a positive trait to have a large amount of institutional funds invested in a company.

Below is a chart that zooms in on different ownership groups within EQS Group.

See our latest analysis for EQS Group



What does the Institutional Ownership tell us about EQS Group

When reporting to investors, institutions often measure themselves against a benchmark. This is why they are more likely to be enthusiastic about a stock that’s been included in major indexes. We expect that most companies will have at least one institution on the register, particularly if they’re growing.

We can see that EQS Group has institutional shareholders. They hold a significant portion of the company’s stock. This shows that professional investors are able to believe in EQS Group. However, we cannot rely solely on this fact as institutions can make poor investments at times. If two large institutional investors attempt to sell off a stock simultaneously, it is not unusual for a share price to drop. It is worth looking at the past earnings history of EQS Group (below). Keep in mind, however, that there are many other factors to take into account.



Hedge funds have fewer shares in EQS Group than the average investor. Investmentaktiengesellschaft FÜR Langfristige Investoren Tgv is currently the company’s largest shareholder with 17% of shares outstanding. The remaining shares are held by the second and third largest shareholders with 14% and 5.0%, respectively. Achim Weick is the second-largest shareholder and also holds the title of Chief Executive officer.

Further digging revealed that 8 top shareholders make up 52% of the total register. This means that in addition to larger shareholders, there are also smaller shareholders. It is possible for each shareholder to balance out their interests slightly.

It makes sense to analyze institutional ownership data for companies, but it’s also worth looking at analyst sentiments in order to determine which direction the wind is blowing. You will find many analysts covering the stock. It may be worth looking at their forecasts.

Insider Ownership of EQS Group

It is possible to define company insiders in a subjective way. This definition can vary from one jurisdiction to the next. Our data includes individual insiders and board members. The board should be able to see the answers of company management and the latter should represent shareholders’ interests. Sometimes, top-ranking managers serve on the board.

Insider ownership is something that I believe to be a good thing. Sometimes, it can make it harder for other shareholders hold the board accountable for their decisions.

Our latest data shows that insiders have a fair amount of EQS group AG. It has a market capitalization of just €244m, and insiders have €46m worth of shares in their own names. This could suggest that the founders still have a lot of shares. You can click here to see if they have been buying or selling.

General Public Ownership

The 32% ownership of EQS Group belongs to the general public. This is usually an individual investor. Even though this amount of ownership might not be sufficient to change a policy decision in their favor, it is still enough for them to have an impact on company policies.

Next steps:

It’s worth considering the various ownership groups of shares in a company. We need to look at many factors in order to better understand EQS Group. Here’s an example: 1 warning sign for EQS Group These are the things you need to be aware of.

Let us hope that this helps. Future is important. This information is available to you Free report on analyst forecasts for the company.

NB. The figures in this article are based on data from the past twelve months. These refer to the 12-month period ending with the date of the financial statements. This could not be consistent with full-year annual report figures.

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This article by Simply Wall St has a general nature. We only provide commentary on historical data and analyst projections. Our articles are not meant to be considered financial advice. This does not constitute a recommendation for you to buy or sell any stock. It also does not consider your objectives or your financial situation. We strive to deliver long-term focused analysis that is based on fundamental data. Our analysis may not take into account the most recent price-sensitive company announcements and qualitative material. Simply Wall St holds no position in any of the stocks mentioned.

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