Insiders who purchased Elementos Limited stock (ASX:ELT), in the past 12 months have some losses but are still down AU$68k

Insiders who purchased AU$318k worth Elementos Limited (ASX:ELTStocks that have lost 20% in the past year are now recovering some of their losses. However, the purchase proved to be a risky one, as losses are currently at AU$68k.

We wouldn’t recommend that investors solely base their decisions on the director of a company, but logic dictates that you need to pay attention to whether insiders buy or sell shares.

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Elementos Insider Transactions in the Last Year

We can see that Andrew Greig, Non-Executive Chairman, purchased the largest amount of insider shares at AU$191k. That’s about AU$0.43 each share. It’s evident that an insider wanted the shares, even at a lower price than the current share prices (AU$0.30). Their view might have changed since the purchase, but this shows that they still have confidence in the company’s future. The price that an insider pays to purchase shares is important in our opinion. In general, insiders who have purchased shares at current prices are more optimistic than those who have not. This suggests that they view the stock as a good value and believe it to be worth the price.

Elementos insiders bought shares in the past 12 months, but they did not sell. On average, they paid AU$0.38. This is a positive sign that insiders perceive value at the current price. Below is a visual representation of insider transactions by companies and individuals over the past 12 months. You can click the graph below to find out who sold for what amount and when.



Insiders also buy Elementos. For those who love to search Investments that win This Free list of growing companies with recent insider purchasing, could be just the ticket.

Elementos Insiders Recently Bought Stock

Elementos has seen significant insider purchases over the past three-months. We can’t see any selling, but the insiders collectively bought shares worth AU$95k. This shows optimism about the company’s future.

Insider Ownership

Investors love to see how much company stock is owned by insiders. Company leadership is more likely to be mindful of shareholder interests when there is a high level of insider ownership. Elementos insiders hold 26% of the company worth approximately AU$14 million. While we have seen insider ownership at higher levels elsewhere, these holdings suggest that insiders are aligned with other shareholders.

What does this data tell us about Elementos Insiders?”

It’s good to see recent purchases. An analysis of transactions in the past year gives us confidence. However, we are cautious because the company lost money in the past year. Elementos shares are likely to be valued by insiders due to these transactions and the notable insider ownership. Knowing the insiders’ buying and selling habits is helpful, but knowing the risks facing a company can also be helpful. Learn about the 5 warning signs we’ve spotted with Elementos (including 2 which can’t be ignored).

Of course Elementos is not the best stock to invest in. This is why you might want to see it. Free collection of high quality companies.

Insiders, for the purposes of this article are individuals who report transactions to the relevant regulatory agency. We currently account only for transactions in open markets and private dispositions.

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This article is by Simply Wall St. It is general in nature. Our commentary is based on historical data, analyst forecasts and other unbiased information. We do not intend to provide financial advice. This does not constitute a recommendation for you to buy or sell any stock. It also does not take into account your financial situation or objectives. Our goal is to provide you with long-term, focused analysis based on fundamental data. Please note that our analysis might not include the most recent announcements from price-sensitive companies or qualitative material. Simply Wall St holds no position in any of the stocks mentioned.

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