Drinks You Need To Give Up in 2023 To Lose Weight, Say Dietitians

It’s only natural that most diet plans focus on the contents of your plate—after all, when you think about calories, you generally think about food. But for successful weight loss in the new year, it’s smart to give some thought to what’s in your cup (or mug… or tumbler… or bottle) too. Beverages are a hidden source of calories and added sugars This can add up quickly as you sip. One actually. study Drinks accounted for 20% in calories consumed by Americans, according to a study.

However, the calories in drinks are not as filling as those from food. This is why the term “empty calories” is often used. These calories may actually be more filling than they are, and can even hinder your weight loss efforts.

Dietitians recommend that you limit these eight drinks if you want to lose a few extra pounds by 2023. For more information, see the #1 best drink for weight loss, according to a dietitian.


Fruit juice

fruit juice

fruit juice

While a glass of juice might be considered to be a serving, it is not as effective in weight loss as fresh fruits. According to a registered dietitian, “Fruit Juices can be beneficial nutrients such as vitamin C and potassium but the calories can quickly add up.” Melissa Altman-Traub, MS, RDN, LDN. Try preparing juice in a small cup or consuming water with a squeezed orange or lime.

Eat this, not that

This is what you should eat, not this

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Sweetened coffee drinks

drinking iced coffee

Iced coffee

You’re probably aware that a venti Frappuccino isn’t exactly weight-loss-friendly. According to registered dietitian, “A daily drive-thru coffee drink may contain a lot more sugar than you expected.” Jennifer Fiske, MS, RDN, LD. You don’t have to stop enjoying delicious caffeinated beverages. You can do some research about the nutritional information for your favorite coffee shop’s products. There may be ways to cut calories, fats and sweeteners. “I will look at the menu together with a client to swap the syrups, remove the whipped cream, and find a similar beverage that’s lower in calories and sugar,” Fiske says.


Energy drinks

drink energy drink

drink energy drink

Energy drinks don’t only contain matcha or ginseng as their “energy”. This energy drink often contains a high amount of calories as well as sugars. These energy drinks may have other problems. According to registered dietitian, energy drinks can also cause weight gain and other health issues. Johna Burdeos, RD. “Mounting evidence indicates that lack of sleep can be linked to disturbances of neurotransmitters that regulate appetite. So if you don’t get enough sleep, you might eat more.

RELATED: 12 Dangerous Side Effects of Energy Drinks, According to Science


Hydration supplement drinks

hydration powder supplement

Hydration powder supplement

Hydration supplements are a hot topic in recent years. They promise to keep your fluids balanced. Although they can be helpful for this purpose they aren’t always a good choice for weight reduction. Registered dietitian nutritionist, “Hydration beverages can add unnecessary calories from additional sugars,” says the registered dietitian nutritionist. Amanda Liptak, RDN, CLT, CAThe following is a list of Nutrient Rich Life. These types of drinks are not recommended for daily consumption. You can flavor water with fresh squeezed fruits, herbs, or an electrolyte replacement that is non-caloric.



woman holding soda

Woman holding soda

This is not surprising! Regular soda contains a lot of sugar. Study after study There has been a link between soft drinks and obesity. “Their empty calories will not turn off your brain’s hunger center,” says Lisa Andrews, MEd, RD, LDOwner of Sound Bites Nutrition. A flavored sparkling water is a fizzy, flavorful option. Waterloo or a lower-sugar kombucha like Health-Ade.


Sweetened tea

iced tea pitcher with glasses of iced tea

Iced tea pitcher and glasses of iced Tea

Tea is a healthy beverage Due to its antioxidants, some iced drinks in stores can be sweetened with as much sugar and as many as soda. Jennifer Ryan-Furfari, RDN. However, you shouldn’t eliminate tea’s anti-inflammatory properties. Ryan-Furfari recommends that you buy unsweetened tea or make it yourself, and then add a little honey or maple syrup to sweeten it. Fresh lemon juice can be used in place of sugar to make a healthier version.


Smoothies loaded with carbs

make a smoothie with agave syrup

Make a smoothie using agave syrup

All smoothies can be used to lose weight, but not all smoothies are the same. Andrews says that smoothies can contain a lot of healthy ingredients such as fruit, vegetables, and yogurt. However, they can also have a high calorie count. You also miss chewing which can help with weight loss.

When making your morning smoothie, be mindful of the ingredients. Unsweetened plant milks, such as unsweetened plant milks, have significantly lower calories than cow’s milk. Additionally, low-cal bananas can be bulkier than heavier options like full-fat yogurt and nut butters.

RELATED: The 30 Best-Ever Weight Loss Smoothies


Beverages, wine, and cocktails

cheers alcohol

Let’s celebrate alcohol

The following is an extract from the CDC, American adults consume an average of nearly 100 calories per day from alcoholic beverages—and if you’re downing a beer or glass of wine with dinner each night, the total is even higher. (A 12-ounce beer It has approximately 150 calories. 5-ounce glass of red wine Includes 125 calories.

Fiske recommends moderation when drinking alcohol to help you lose weight. “Clients sometimes don’t realize they can have up to three drinks after a nightcap. If the client is willing to measure alcohol, I encourage them to do so and then swap out mixers for lower-calorie options. Clear spirits are less calorie-dense, so we sometimes swap them. Looking for inspiration? These are some ideas dietitian-approved alcoholic drinks for weight loss.

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