Celebrities Are Apparently Taking Ozempic, a Drug Intended for Diabetes, to Help Them Lose Weight Rapidly—But Is That Safe?

a collage of a pen of Ozempic overlaid on a photo of a red carpet and photographers flashes

A collage of Ozempic pen overlaid on a photo from a red carpet.

Getty Images and Novo Medlink

We are constantly presented with new information every year. new solutions for weight loss They promise to help you shed weight quickly. The old-school grapefruit diet has been replaced by the popular and much-loved “The Grapefruit Diet”. keto diet, there’s no shortage of trendy diets to lose weight—especially in Hollywood.

Instead of hearing about a new diet trend or expensive shake celebs swear by to trim down their stomachs (many of which conveniently ignore the fact that they train with personal trainers and cook for their meals), prescription injectable medications are being promoted as a quick and easy way to lose weight. It is so popular that it has even been given the hashtag “#spritzing”.Ozempic” has been viewed over 350 million times on TikTok. And it is rumored that many celebrities, from Kim Kardashian to Mindy Kaling, are turning to this medication, too—although sources won’t spill the tea on exactly which celebs have actually used this injectable. Even though it has seen a dramatic rise in popularity, it is still not known if this medication has been used by celebrities. a shortage of the drugIt could also prevent those who truly need it from getting it. This is an issue.

However, this sensational solution is taking over the internet and certain social media circles. Many of us aren’t clear on what Ozempic really is and if it is the best option for weight loss.

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What is Ozempic, you ask?

37.3 million people have diabetes in the U.S.This makes them more at risk. heart disease and stroke. Some data suggest that even with insulin injections, dietary interventions and other medication that can help manage this condition some data shows that there are still ways to treat it. prevalence of uncontrolled diabetes is almost 50%, increasing with age—highlighting how our past treatment plans haven’t been cutting it for every person diagnosed with diabetes.

Ozempic is an FDA-approved medication This medication falls under the glucagon -like peptide-1 agonists (or GLP-1 agonists) category. This is the type of medication. activates GLP-1 receptors in the pancreasThis results in an increase of insulin release and decreased glucagon production, It helps the body to see lower blood sugar levels. As directed by a healthcare provider, people are advised to take this medication one week.

But this medication doesn’t only affect the body’s secretion rate of insulin and glucagon—two hormones that impact blood sugars. GLP-1 agonists like Ozempic can also cause an increase in blood sugar. reduced appetite and delayed glucose absorption Because of slower gastric emptying. Because slower digestion makes people feel fuller for longer periods of time, this is where weight loss buzz comes in.

This medication should be used in conjunction with metformin, insulin, sulfonylureas and thiazolidinediones to improve glucose control. weight gain associated with using supplemental insulin Some of these medications may also be available. There are many health conditions that co-occur. Being overweight and diabetic can increase your risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Many people strive to manage these two risks with just one medication.

The following is an extract from the Ozempic websiteOzempic is safe for adults with type-2 diabetes and known heart diseases. It reduces the chance of major cardiovascular events like stroke, heart attack, death, or both.

Ozempic was created to help people control their blood sugars and prevent excessive weight gain from taking other medications. What if you don’t have diabetes but need to lose weight. Is this medication possible for all?

Obesity is defined as having a body weight index of over 30m/kg2. It is a chronic disease that requires lifelong management. Nina Crowley, Ph.D., RDSeca Medical Body Composition Division Education Manager and Professional Affiliations Manager, shared. “So, although people with a few extra pounds may be interested in Ozempic, it is important to distinguish between those who want to lose weight and those who are suffering from obesity. Ozempic, according to FDA guidelines is indicated for diabetes.

Is Ozempic safe to use for weight loss?

Ozempic has been used to help people lose weight. But, while some are seeing success, the Ozempic site clearly states that although it can help with weight loss, it cannot be used for weight maintenance. The Ozempic website also states that Ozempic is not a weight-loss drug. The makers of this drug clearly don’t promote the use of this medication for weight loss.

A lot of clinical evidence, as well as anecdotal evidence, suggests that Ozempic-treated people with diabetes lose weight. One study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine Nearly 2,000 people with a 30+ BMI were analyzed. The results showed that patients who received the medication along with certain lifestyle modifications had an average weight reduction of 14.9%, compared to 2.4% for the placebo group. Novo Nordisk, which is the manufacturer of Ozempic, funded this study.

There is much talk in the wellness community about the topic of the issues with and inaccuracies of the BMI scaleIts use in the study above and as a means of determining whether healthcare providers are prescribing medications such as Ozempic, Wegovy, is alarming.

The FDA has approved Ozempic specifically for weight loss. authorized WegovyFor weight loss support, people who are obese or have a weight-related illness (such as high bloodpressure) can use a higher dose of this medication, called. Crowley explained, “Both use pens that inject semagulatide. The doses will gradually increase based on tolerance and individual needs.”

Health care providers cannot definitively state that Ozempic is safe for these patients until the FDA approves it as a safe medication for those without diabetes.

Not to be forgotten is that April 2022 study Most people lost 2/3 of their initial weight when they stopped Ozempic. Other health measures such as blood pressure and cholesterol also recovered to their pre-use levels. The study shows that you must continue to take this drug for as long as possible to reap the health benefits. As this drug was only approved by the FDA in 2017There is not enough evidence to show that extended use of this drug is safe.

Are there any side effects to Ozempic medication?

Side effects can occur with any medication that we take. Some are more serious than others.

Per the Ozempic website, using this medication may cause serious side effects, including possible thyroid tumors, including cancer. Other side effects include vision changes, pancreatitis and low blood sugar.

The most common side effects of Ozempic may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach (abdominal) pain and constipation.

Crowley stated that “Health care professionals can lead discussions about risk benefit analysis of medication versus living with untreated obesity or diabetes, or both.”

Bottom line: How to Lose Weight Healthyly

Celebrities are great to see on TV and in tabloids. However, it is not a good idea to rely on other medical professionals to make your healthcare decisions. If you’re being recommended by your doctor to take Ozempic as a weight loss aid, and you agree, you need to understand the potential side effects and weigh the risks and benefits of this decision before you make your first shot.

You don’t need medication to lose weight, or manage diabetes. Focusing on certain nutrients, eating anti-inflammatory foods And including exercise People can make changes to their daily routines that will help them manage their weight. However, it might take longer than relying on powerful and well-respected medications.

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