Bluerock High-Income Institutional Credit Fund Announces Q4 Quarterly Distribution, and an Additional Special Distribution

NEW YORK, Jan. 3, 2023 /PRNewswire/ – The Bluerock High Income Institutional Credit Fund (or the “Fund”) paid its quarterly distribution for 2022. It also made a special distribution to shareholders who were registered as of. December 29, 2022. The Q4 distribution reflects a 2.02% regular quarterly distribution and a 0.61% specialty distribution rate, based upon the daily NAV/share. $24.66 Over the entire quarter. The quarter ended with a total distribution of $2.5 million to shareholders who had invested in the quarter. $0.65 Per share or 2.633% for the quarter (I shares). This special distribution conforms to the Fund’s calendar-year distribution requirements and reflects the substantial cash flow generated by the Fund’s underlying investments.

Bluerock High Income Institutional Credit Fund (PRNewsfoto/Bluerock High Income Institutional Credit Fund)

Bluerock High Income Institutional Credit Fund PRNewsfoto/Bluerock High Income Institutional Credit Fund

“We are extremely pleased with the Fund’s performance and ability to generate substantial income for our shareholders while maintaining stable NAV/share, especially in light of recent market disruptions that have negatively affected many other credit funds,” stated the Fund. Jeffrey SchwaberBluerock Capital Markets CEO. Schwaber said that the Fund invests in collateralized loans obligations made up of senior secured loans. These loans are not bonds and are instead structured with floating-rate loans. This allows investors to take part in the higher residual cash flow generated by today’s rising interest rates.

Bluerock High Income Fund has approximately $1.5 billion in net assets under management $85 Million As of December 30, 2022. The Fund currently holds positions in 12 collateralized loans obligations (CLOs), with exposure to 931 senior secured loan underlying loans with an underlying value of more than $1.5 billion. $6 billion Multiple industries (holdings starting at 9.30.2022 These statements are subject to change at anytime and should not be regarded as investment advice.

Bluerock HI Credit Fund IShare Fund Net Performance

Performance up to 12.31.2022

One Month

Three Months

Since its inception1

Bluerock HI Credit Fund I-Share

1.76 %

0.17 %

2.60 %

Returns presented are total net return: Expressed in percentage terms, the calculation of total return is determined by taking the change in price, reinvesting, if applicable, all income and capital gains distributions during the period, and dividing by the starting price. Annualized returns are those that exceed one year.

1 The Fund was inception on June 21, 2022.

*The Fund’s distribution policy is to make quarterly distributions to shareholders. The amount of quarterly distributions, which include any return of capital, is not fixed but should be around 8.0% of the Fund’s current net asset values per share. These distributions are paid quarterly and accrue daily. The distribution policy can change at any time. It is not a good idea to assume that the source for a distribution from the Fund will be net profit. Based on the nature of distributions from the underlying holdings (primarily CLO equity), all or part of the distributions could constitute a return capital. After the year ends, the final determination of tax characteristics and source of distributions will be made. Return of capital can reduce the tax basis of shares and possibly increase the taxable gains, if any. Any further capital return would be taxable once a shareholder has had their tax basis reduced to zero.

These performance data are based on past performance. The performance data may not reflect current performance. The principal value and investment return will fluctuate so shares may be worth less or more than they originally cost. Call 1-888-459-1059 for current performance information. Past performance does not guarantee future results.

The fund’s total annual operating expense ratio, net of any fee waivers and expense reimbursements, stands at 3.04% for Class A, 3.799% for Class B, and 2.799% for Class I. The Fund’s investment advisor contractually agrees to lower its fees and/or absorb fund expenses, at least up until January 31, 2024 To ensure that Class A shares, C shares and I shares do not exceed 2.60%, 3.35 for Class C and 2.25 for Class 1 respectively, the Fund’s average daily net assets attributable each to Class A and Class C will be recouped from the Fund in subsequent years. For more information on the expense waiver, please refer to the Prospectus. Fund performance should not be considered the only factor when making investment decisions, particularly if it is for short periods. Fees are not included in the distributions and performance of funds.

About Bluerock Institutional Credit Fund High Income
Bluerock High Income Institutional Credit Fund, a closed-end fund that allows individual investors to access a rapidly expanding institutional asset class, is available to the public. The Fund’s principal investment objective is to generate high income while secondarily seeking attractive long-term returns with low correlation to the wider markets. The Fund invests directly and indirectly in private credit via actively managed pools of diversified Senior Secur Loans (CLOs) that are diversified. WhiteStar Asset Management, LLC has been the managing team for the Fund’s issuance. $40 billion As a sub-advisor to Fund, I have been involved in CLOs since 2001. Investing in the Fund can provide investors the following potential benefits throughout different market cycles. The minimum investment in this Fund is $2,500 ($1,000 For retirement plans): Class A and class C shares

You can find copies of Bluerock HI Credit Fund public filings on the U.S Securities and Exchange Commission’s site at Visit the company’s website

Risk Disclosures

May lose value| No Bank Guarantee | May Lose Value

There are risks involved in investing in the Fund. You may not receive a return on your investment or you could lose some or all of it. This is not an offer or solicitation for any security to be sold.

Bluerock High Income Institutional Credit Fund investors should carefully review the investment objectives and risks as well as the sales charges and expenses. You can obtain the prospectus and other information about the Fund by visiting Before you invest, make sure to read the prospectus.

Past performance does not guarantee future results. The ability of the Advisor or Sub-Advisors to effectively allocate the Fund’s assets among the available investment opportunities is a key factor in the Fund’s ability to meet its investment objective. There is no guarantee that the allocations made will result in positive returns or achieve the Fund’s investment objective. It is impossible to guarantee that the Fund’s investment strategies will be successful in every market environment. Statements regarding the performance and results of the Fund made herein are historical. Fund performance may have changed significantly since the time these statements were made. Updated performance data for the Fund is available at

Please note, the performance data for different indices contained herein is only informational. An index cannot be directly invested in. Index performance is not indicative of actual fund or portfolio performance. The performance of an index holding the same securities may be significantly different from that of a fund or portfolio. Index performance assumes the reinvestment dividends, but it doesn’t reflect management fees, transaction cost or any other expenses that might be incurred for a fund or portfolio. Brokerage commissions on fund share transactions are not included. These fees, commissions, and expenses will likely lower returns.

The Fund is a closed end interval fund. The shares do not have a history of public trading and it is not planned that they will be listed on any public exchange. The Fund’s shares will not be listed on any secondary market. The Fund’s quarterly repurchase opportunities for no less that 5% of its shares at net asset value provide limited liquidity to shareholders. Shareholders will not be able sell all the shares in a quarterly offer. Quarterly repurchases made by the Fund of shares will usually be paid for with cash available or from sales of portfolio securities. Fund repurchases can reduce the market price of securities which would in turn decrease the Fund’s net asset values. The Fund is only suitable for long-term investors who are willing to take on the risks of limited liquidity.

Fund investors need to understand that the Fund’s Net Asset Value (“NAV”) fluctuates. This means that at any given moment, the value your shares could be worth less than your original investment. The Fund’s securities are indirectly invested by an investment in shares. Like other market investments, the value of these securities can fluctuate, sometimes unpredictably and quickly. The Investment Company Act of 1941 states that the Fund can invest up to 5% of its assets in securities of one or several issuers. Changes in financial condition or market values of one issuer could cause greater fluctuations in the Fund’s net assets value than in a “diversified fund”. The Fund is not meant to be an all-encompassing investment program.

The Fund invests primarily into debt-anchored securities and instruments. Therefore, your Fund investment may fluctuate depending on changes in interest rates. The Fund might invest in senior secured and CLOs. Significant increases in interest rates could lead to an increase of loan defaults. The Fund’s value may also be affected if there are other uncertainties like economic developments that impact the market for senior secured loans or those that affect borrowers. The Senior Secured Loans borrowers may fail to make their scheduled principal and interest payments and/or principal payments. This could lead to losses or reduced cash flow, which in turn may affect the Fund’s NAV or distributions. CLOs have additional risks. CLOs may be subordinated to CLOs and/or tranches. CLO investments can also cause conflicts with issuers and holders of senior tranches. There are also risks associated with the Fund’s investment strategy, such as credit risk (the lender may default), liquidity (the investment may be unavailable at an optimal time or price), and prepayment risk. The debtor might pay its obligation earlier, which could reduce the amount of interest payments. Potential investors are advised to read the Risk Factors section in the prospectus to learn more about the potential risks associated with investing in the Fund.

ALPS Distributors, Inc (ALPS) distributes the Bluerock High Income Institutional Credit Fund. Bluerock Credit Fund Advisor, LLC does not have any affiliation with ALPS or WhiteStar Asset Management. This information is not intended to be used as investment advice, nor should it be construed as a recommendation for any security, strategy, or investment product. Some information herein has been taken from reliable sources but not independently verified. These views are current as of the date they were written and may change at any time without notice.

Bluerock Capital Markets is available at 877.826.BLUE (2583).

Collateralized Loan Obligations, (CLOs),: This is a form of securitization in which payments from multiple business loans, most often senior secured corporate loans, are combined and shared with different owners in different tranches.

Correlation: This is the direction and strength of a linear relationship between two random variables. This value can range from -1 to 1.

Senior Secured Loans Corporate debt obligations are often secured (“secured”) with assets. SSLs are at the top of a company’s capital structure, and have the highest priority claim to the borrower’s assets.



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