Magnum Berhad has 38% ownership. Insiders at Magnum Berhad have a lot to lose

Magnum Berhad’s true owner is Magnum Berhad.KLSE:MAGNUMThen you need to analyze the makeup of the company’s share registry. Individual insiders are the group with the highest number of shares in the company (around 38%). In other words, the group has the greatest upside potential (or downside)

Insiders will be motivated to take value-accretive decisions because they have such a large stake in the company.

Let’s have a closer look at Magnum Berhad to find out what different types of shareholders can reveal about Magnum Berhad.

See our latest analysis for Magnum Berhad



What does Magnum Berhad’s Institutional Ownership tell us?

Many institutions use an index to measure their performance. It approximates the local market. They pay more attention to companies included in major indices.

Magnum Berhad has a significant stake owned by institutional investors. This indicates some credibility among professional investors. However, we cannot rely solely on this fact. Institutions can make poor investments at times just as everyone else. There is always the possibility that multiple institutions may own the same stock. If a trade is canceled, many parties may try to sell stock as fast as possible. A company with a poor track record of growth is more at risk. Magnum Berhad’s historical earnings and revenue can be viewed below. But, there are always more details.



Magnum Berhad shares are not owned by hedge funds. Surin Upatkoon holds 35% shares and is the largest shareholder. MWE Holdings Berhad holds 4.6% of the common stock. Shan Hijauan Sdn Bhd has about 3.5%.

We did more research and discovered that 6 of top shareholders account roughly for 52% of register. This implies that there are smaller shareholders as well as larger shareholders. Thus, each shareholder is somewhat balanced.

Although institutional ownership can be a valuable addition to your research, it’s also a good idea to study analyst recommendations to gain a better understanding of the stock’s expected performance. You can easily look at forecast growth as quite a few analysts have coverage of the stock.

Insider Ownership Of Magnum Berhad

Although the definition of insiders can vary from country to country, all members of the board count. Although the company management manages the business, the CEO must answer to the board of directors, even if they are members.

Insider ownership is considered a positive sign that the board is aligned with other shareholders. Sometimes, however, too much power can be concentrated within the group.

Our latest data shows that Magnum Berhad is owned by a fair amount of insiders. This RM1.8b company is owned by insiders at RM701m. It’s wonderful to see insiders so invested. It may be worth checking. if those insiders have been buying recently.

General Public Ownership

The 32% ownership of the company is held by the general public (including retail investors) and cannot be ignored. Although this group cannot necessarily make the decisions, they can have an impact on the way the company runs.

Private Company Ownership

Our data shows that 15% of shares are held by private companies. This might be worth investigating. The annual report should disclose any interest held by related parties such as insiders in these private companies. Private companies might also have a strategic stake in the company.

Next Steps

It is worth considering the various ownership groups of shares in a company. Magnum Berhad can be understood better if we consider many other factors. We’ve also discovered 1 warning sign for Magnum Berhad These are the things you need to know before making an investment here.

But ultimately It is the futureIt is the future, not the past that will decide how successful this business will be. It is therefore advisable to look at this free report showing whether analysts are predicting a brighter future.

NB: The figures in this article were calculated using data from twelve months ago. This refers to the 12-month period that ended on the date of the financial statement. This might not be consistent to full year figures in the annual report.

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This article is by Simply Wall St. It is general in nature. We only provide commentary on historical data and analyst projections. Our articles are not meant to be considered financial advice. It is not a recommendation not to buy or sell any stocks and does not take into account your financial situation or objectives. Our goal is to provide you with long-term, focused analysis based on fundamental data. Please note that our analysis might not include the most recent announcements from price-sensitive companies or qualitative material. Simply Wall St does not hold any position in the stocks mentioned.

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