Fifth Arabic Arts Festival in E China’s Jingdezhen highlights cultural interchanges between China, Arab countries and China

BEIJING, Dec. 27, 2022 /PRNewswire/ The fifth Arabic Arts Festival began on December 19 In Jingdezhen east China’s Jiangxi Province In-depth cultural exchanges were held between China Arab countries.

The China-Arab States Cooperation Forum has an important cultural activity, the Arabic Arts Festival. It has been held every 4 years since 2006. China.

This year’s event was co-hosted and hosted by China’s The Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Jiangxi Provincial People’s Government and the Secretariat of Arab League offer a variety of activities, including performances, a cultural industrial forum, performances and an exhibition featuring works of Arab and Chinese artists.

The 233 ceramics creative designs (copyright competition) winners are a tribute to China-Arab friendship. They tell the stories of the history and culture of China, and show how they have benefited from that friendship.

Jingdezhen is also known as China’s “Porcelain Capital” is another contributor. China-Arab exchanges.

The Jingdezhen China Ceramics Museum has 500 items that offer a glimpse into ancient Chinese porcelain. China’s International porcelain trade and stories of cultural exchanges along ancient Silk Road routes.

Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Museum has 94 sets of exhibits. Many of these are related to Arab culture. One example is a collection of blue and brown porcelain pieces made in the Arab civilization. The patterns are written in Persian and Arabic.

Since 2009, over 170 artists hailing from 22 Arab nations have been to China To find inspiration. Some people have transformed what they saw in China in artistic works, as demonstrated by the 80 paintings and 20 sculptures, and 20 ceramic works that were gathered in an Art Gallery of Jingdezhen Taoxichuan.

As China Arab countries are determined to increase cooperation and foster strategic partnership. More fruits! ChinaIn the years ahead, it is possible to reap the benefits of cooperation between Arab countries.

You can see the original link here:

SOURCE Xinhua Silk Road

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