Julius Bär Gruppe (VTX:BAER) shareholders have endured a 7.5% loss from investing in the stock a year ago

It may not be enough for all shareholders, but we believe it is important to see the results. Julius Bär Gruppe AG (VTX:BAER) share price up 19% in a single quarter. In reality, the stock is down over last year. The positive side is that the stock’s return of 7.5% is higher than the market which is down 0.16906701074908.

It is worth assessing whether the company’s economics are in line with these low shareholder returns or if there has been some discrepancy between them. Let’s do this.

See our latest analysis for Julius Bär Gruppe

While it is true that markets can be efficient at times, prices don’t always reflect the underlying business performance. You can examine the relationship between a company’s share-price and its earnings per shares (EPS) to see how market sentiment has changed.

Even though the Julius Bär Gruppe share price is down over the year, its EPS actually improved. This could indicate that the previous optimism about growth might have been misplaced.

It is surprising that the share price fell so much despite the improvement in EPS. You might also want to look at other metrics.

We don’t see any weakness in the Julius Bär Gruppe’s dividend so the steady payout can’t really explain the share price drop. The share price drop isn’t explained by the revenue trend. It could be that the market consensus expectations were not met.

Below is a chart showing how earnings and revenue changed over time. Click the image to see the exact values.



Julius Bär Gruppe is a well known stock, with plenty of analyst coverage, suggesting some visibility into future growth. You can see what analysts are predicting for Julius Bär Gruppe in this Interactive graph of future profit estimates.

What about Dividends

It is important to calculate the total shareholder and share price returns for each stock. TSR is the sum of all dividends and any discounted capital raisings. It assumes that the dividends will be reinvested. TSR is a better indicator of dividend stocks. In the case of Julius Bär Gruppe, it has a TSR of -7.5% for the last 1 year. This is higher than the share price return we mentioned earlier. This has resulted in a significant increase in the shareholder value. Total Dividends for shareholders

A Different Perspective

While it’s certainly disappointing to see that Julius Bär Gruppe shares lost 7.5% throughout the year, that wasn’t as bad as the market loss of 17%. The stock’s long-term returns are much more important. The good news is that the stock has returned 1.5% each year over the past five years. Although it could be that the business has some short term issues, shareholders need to keep an eye on the long-term fundamentals. Before forming an opinion on Julius Bär Gruppe you might want to consider the cold hard cash it pays as a dividend. This Free chart tracks its dividend over time.

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Please note that the market returns in this article are the market weighted average returns for stocks currently trading on CH exchanges.

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This article is by Simply Wall St. It is general in nature. Our commentary is based only on historical data and analyst projections. It is not a recommendation not to buy or sell any stocks and does not take into account your financial goals. We strive to deliver long-term focused analysis that is based on fundamental data. Our analysis may not take into account the most recent price-sensitive company announcements and qualitative material. Simply Wall St does not hold any position in the stocks mentioned.

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