Peru government announces the clearance of a key mining route after days and days of protests

(Reuters) – Peru’s main road for mining transport was closed after protests over the past days, a minister of the government said. This comes amid political tensions in the country following the arrest and ousting of President Pedro Castillo.

According to a statement, Energy and Mines Minister Oscar Vera announced that the so-called Southern Mining Corridor in Cusco was cleared Friday afternoon following a meeting between trade and local organizations.

Protests following the arrest of Castillo, Dina Boluarte’s inauguration as president have seen demonstrators block roads and force airports to close.

The southern corridor is important for mines like Las Bambas, one of the most significant copper mines in Asia. It is owned by China’s MMG Ltd.

Other road blockades were caused by protests from neighboring communities, who wanted more benefits from the exploitation and use of resources.

(Reporting by Natalia Ramos, Writing by Carolina Pulice, Editing by Daniel Wallis

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