7 Expert Tips for Taking Red-eye Flights

Here are some ways to make your next overnight trip bearable.

<p>TIMOTHY A. CLARY/Getty Images</p>


Red-eye flights can be a reality for many travelers, regardless of whether they are loved or loathed. flying long distances. Red-eyes depart from their origin at night and arrive at their destination in the morning — and they’re named for the groggy look most passengers have upon deplaning. Most red-eye flights occur when you’re flying east — say, from Los Angeles to New York or New York to London. They can also occur when you fly north or south over long distances like between North America and South America, Europe and Africa.

The benefit of a red-eye flight is that it maximizes your time both at home and at your destination — you’re flying through the night rather than losing a day to travel. This often means you can save money on hotel nights. Travelers will also find that red-eyes are more affordable than day flights. save money.  In some cases, you may not have the option of a day or night flight. All journeys from your destination to origin will be red-eyes.

<p>UCG/Getty Images</p>

Each traveler will have different preferences about how they deal with red-eye flights, especially when you consider variables like whether they are in a business or pleasure class. business class or a middle-seat in economy, is the difference in time between their origin and destination as well the length of their flight. These tips can help you maximize your red-eye flight.

Adjust to the time zone of your destination Before Enjoy your trip.

Many red-eye flights go to destinations in different time zones so you can help beat jet lag Adjust your sleep schedule before you fly. “If you’re traveling somewhere for more than a few days, try adjusting your sleep and wake times a week or two before you leave to slowly get yourself closer to the destination time,” Dr. Shelby Harris, director of sleep health at SleepopolisTells Travel + Leisure. “This can help to adjust your circadian rhythm in accordance with the new time change.”

That time difference will also help dictate whether or not you should even attempt to sleep on a red-eye — in some cases, if you shift your schedule enough before your trip, your red-eye might actually turn into a day flight. Due to work and school obligations, it might not possible to change your sleep schedule so far in advance. It is possible to make small changes that will help you get better sleep.

Choose the red-eye option that is most in line with your sleep schedule.

Many routes that can be flown as a red eye offer multiple flights per hour. Try to match your flight with how you sleep. You might choose to fly from New York to London at 9 p.m. if you prefer to sleep earlier than others. If you don’t intend on sleeping, you can book the 6 p.m. departure which will take you to London around 12:01 AM East Coast Time (early in London). This will allow you to get a good night’s sleep in a hotel room after landing. However, it is important to account for your destination’s time zones if you are planning on changing your sleep schedule.

Select the right place

In general, window seats You’ll experience the least disruptions and are therefore best for red-eye flights. The downside to being in the aisle is that you will need to get up for your passengers, and you may also be bumped by others. Window seats have one downside: you will need to ask your friends to get up to use the toilet. Pro tip: Those extra-leg room Exit row seats close to the lavatory don’t make for a great place to sleep. Passengers tend to gather there while they wait their turn. You’ll also have to deal with the extra light, but you can mitigate that by using an eye mask. If you are interested in reclining, be aware that exit row seats and the last row may not have the same range as the rest.

Make sure you have the right gear to help you fall asleep at night.

<p>Compassionate Eye Foundation/Steve Smith/Getty Images</p>

Compassionate Eye Foundation/Steve Smith/Getty Images

If you do plan to sleep on a red-eye flightYou should pack everything you might need to rest peacefully. Many people find it difficult to sleep on a plane. However, there are some things you can do. sleep mask To block out any unwanted light noise-canceling headphones Or earplugs Distracting noises and distractions can be drowned out by using a travel pillow Harris says that you can do anything to make it more comfortable. Consider packing a blanket. thick sweater To account for potential cold cabins

On short red-eye flights, skip meal service.

To maximize your sleep time on a short red-eye, forget about dinner and/or breakfast on your flight — you can eat at the airport before departure or upon arrival. Some passengers attach a “do-not disturb” note or eye mask to their shirt to inform flight attendants that they would like to skip dinner.

Don’t drink alcohol.

<p>Jaromir Chalabala/Getty Images</p>

Jaromir Chalabala/Getty Images

A few travelers swear by it. glass of wine To help them fall asleep, you can give them a drink (or two) or three. However, alcohol is not able to make you fall asleep faster. leads to low-quality sleep. You might also feel dry because of the low humidity in airplane cabins. Drinking alcohol can make it worse.

Get up and get ready for work in the morning.

You can take a break after a red-eye flight to make sure you are ready to face the day. Make sure to bring a toothbrush and toothpaste along with a face wash. This will give you a sense of normality in your morning routine. You don’t have to spend too much time in a lavatory.

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You can read the original article here Travel & Leisure.

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