3 reasons that local climate activism has more power than people realize

Students rally for fossil fuel-free energy at the University of California, San Diego. <a href="https://today.ucsd.edu/media-contacts" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Erik Jepsen/UCSD" class="link ">Erik Jepsen/UCSD</a>
Students at the University of California, San Diego rally for fossil-free energy Erik Jepsen/UCSD

Global warming has made it more common for extreme weather events to occur around the globe by 400% Since the 1980s. Each country knows how to do it. to stop the damage To prevent the environment from becoming worsening, stop using fossil fuels and switch to renewable energy.

This is all happening too fast to be avoided. warming on a catastrophic scale.

In my new book, “The Climate Crisis,” I lay out the mechanisms and impacts of the climate crisis and the reasons behind the lack of serious effort to combat it. One of the most powerful reasons is the influence that they have on the public. fossil fuel industryElectric utilities, and other services with a vested interest in Policymakers have an advantage over fossil fuels.

But there’s another reason for this inaction that everyone has the ability to change: response skepticism – the public doesn’t believe in its own political power enough or use it.

People can make powerful changes when they speak up and work together. This is evident in students at university who demand that their chancellor be appointed. retire the campus fossil fuel power plant Switch to renewable electricity. You can also see it here ranchers in Colorado Pushing their governor to establish a clean electricity standard for them so they can have wind turbines on their land.

MIT students study while staging a sit-in outside the university chancellor’s office in 2016 calling for the university to divest from fossil fuels. <a href="https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/freshman-carissa-skye-sits-atop-a-yoga-ball-while-taking-news-photo/514663304" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Photo by Jonathan Wiggs/The Boston Globe via Getty Images" class="link ">Photo by Jonathan Wiggs/The Boston Globe via Getty Images</a>

But, 70% of American adults describe climate change A Pew Research Center poll in 2021 found that only 10% of those surveyed said they had ever contacted an elected official or participated in an activity addressing climate change.

Why are so few adults involved in actions to encourage governments to act more on climate change, despite surveys showing they support it? How can they overcome the skepticism that keeps them back?

What is stopping people from speaking out?

According to polls, some people can see how money from wealthy industries Political behavior can be influenced by individuals don’t believe politicians listen to the public.

Others are distracted by arguments that can tamp down engagement, such as campaigns that urge people to focus on individual recycling, or ask why the U.S. should do more if other countries aren’t, or argue that that there’s no need to rush because future technology will save humanity. Some believe that corporate and university promises to reach carbon neutrality in the future – often far in the future – are enough.

These narratives are tempting. For example, recycling is a focal point. a sense of satisfaction That one did something. Arguments that China emits greater greenhouse gases than the United States are a common one. future technology All problems will be solved appear to exonerate People are free from the obligation to act now.

Research has shown that participation in local climate action may require some effort. constellation of values, attitudes and beliefs, including believing in one’s own ability, and the group’s, to get things done. You can develop some of these beliefs by organizing with others, which can often be quite fun. other psychological benefits These flows are a result of increased solidarity in an often alienating society.

It is important to have a local theory of change – believing that, while human-caused climate change is a global problem, it is worthwhile taking local action.

Three reasons why local activism is important

History and research show that local action is far more effective than people think. Here are three reasons why:

First, most of the policy changes that can impact climate change are local.

The replacement of fossil fuel power plants by renewable energy technology could help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Most of this is under state government control. They delegate authority to public utility commissions. You can make sure that the public is paying attention to what utilities do and join local groups that are making their voices heard.

South Dakota landowners whose property is crossed by the Keystone XL pipeline attended public utilities commission hearings in 2015 to make their opposition known. <a href="https://newsroom.ap.org/detail/OilPipelineHearing/811a121d4f63479b8498bc4d3552c8d6/photo" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:AP Photo/James Nord" class="link ">AP Photo/James Nord</a>
South Dakota landowners whose property was affected by the Keystone XL Pipeline attended hearings of the public utilities commission in 2015 to voice their disapproval. AP Photo/James Nord

Cities can adopt policies that replace natural gas appliances with electric ones in their homes and buildings. They can also encourage homeowners to install electric heat pumps. And they can decide whether to invest in public transit or freeways. When there is pressure, city officials do enact these policies.

Second, winnings in a local area can spread. A handful of Massachusetts advocates won the battle for a local policy that saw a portion of electricity bills paid to a non-profit agency that channeled money towards renewables. This policy was known as community choice aggregationOver 1,800 local governments from six states adopted the, which has an impact on millions of people. Local action is also possible create learning curves for technology – pushing for more solar and wind turbines leads to increased manufacture and price drops.

Third, local action may trigger national policy, spread across other countries and finally trigger global agreements.

There are many historical examples to be found, such as the suffragette movements that gained the rights of women in the United States, or the struggle for a 40-hour working week. Local action in Southern U.S. catalyzed 1960s civil rights laws. Local action for same-sex marriageYou can start in San Francisco. led to state laws Ultimately, to federal legislation December 2022: This law prohibits states refusing to recognise out-of-state weddings that are based on sex and race.

Suffragettes succeeded in winning the right of women to vote by working together and speaking out. <a href="https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/new-york-society-woman-suffragettes-as-sandwich-men-news-photo/514892136" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Bettmann via Getty Images" class="link ">Bettmann via Getty Images</a>

The 1970s saw environmental regulation. a striking case. It began with public concern about pollution in cities, rivers and beaches. Municipalities responded to thousands of citizens’ protests by implementing environmental enforcement.

Corporate interests were extremely hurt by the lawsuits that followed, and they supported federal intervention to ensure predictable rules. President Richard Nixon was the one who signed some of the furthest reaching legislation ever.

Climate policy is changing thanks to the efforts of youth

Inflation Reduction Act was passed by Congress in 2022. It authorizes almost 0 billion climate-related spending over a 10-year period. I believe that youth-led spending is the way forward. Sunrise Movement can claim a major role In its success.

Since 2019, the group has been organizing marches and demonstrations in numerous cities, and has also pressured Democrats in Congress. While the result fell short of the group’s vision for a Green New Deal, it went further than any previous climate-related law.

Group action targeted at local decision-makers is a time-honored tradition – and I believe necessary in the current political environment for action on climate change.

This article was republished by The ConversationA non-profit news website that shares ideas from academic experts. It might be interesting if it interests you. subscribe to our weekly newsletter.

It was written and edited by: Adam Aron, University of California, San Diego.

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Adam Aron is not affiliated with any company or organization that Adam Aron consults, owns shares in, or receives funding from.

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